Welcome to Fall "Autumn" everyone! This is definitely my favorite season. There are many reasons to love the season of autumn. One of the biggest is the array of beauty. If you were privileged to grow up in an area that had a true autumn, then you know all about the way the colors of the earth move from bright greens to the mixture of tones that is golden, orange, red, and burgundy. Just like in this photograph I captured several years ago. There is something extra special about, do you see it? I was standing outside enjoying the lovely evening and looked up, and saw a heart craved out through the leaves of the trees! I'm so thankful for all the ways our loving creator chooses to display His love us. When we stop to explore God's glorious creation, his love always shines through!! We serve an awesome God and Autumn sure knows how to celebrate it with glory.

The season of autumn holds many special and unique things to do. Do you remember going to a pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin? Did your family or friends carve pumpkins to create unique designs? I'm sure you baked the pumpkins seeds of the pumpkin to enjoy them for later. Or maybe you remember going for long walks through the woods and collecting the autumn leaves that had neatly fallen from the trees. There is something special about seeing how each leaf turns into a unique expression of autumn colors taking over the summer hues. Maybe you have the special memory of going on an autumn hayride each year or perhaps you remember enjoying caramel apples and apple cider with family and friends.
For many people thinking of autumn means celebrating the great holiday of Thanksgiving. People look forward to spending a day recounting all of the blessings in their lives. They enjoy time surrounded by family and friends and together they reflect upon the year behind them, anticipating with hope about the future days ahead.
Maybe your family celebrates Thanksgiving by gathering together for food and fellowship. This is the very anticipated tradition for our family, we have enjoyed throughout the years. However, some years leave us having our own little family celebration depending on our location. In those times, God has always opened the door to welcoming someone into our home. Sometimes it was a co-worker or an acquaintance who was without family locally like us. Those memories hold a special place in my heart and gave us the opportunity to show love and grace to someone in need. Having our children witness and participate in serving them brought joy to our Thanksgiving and hopefully made a lasting impact on those served. Being able to share the season of Thanksgiving and the love of Christ with people outside our family circle has altered us forever! May you have the opportunity to shine in some unexpected ways as God leads you and your family this season and forward!